Friday, November 13, 2009

The pleasure of beading

Almost everybody have a hobby that interest them. We all try different things. At first I've done the collecting hobby for different type of objects. From clowns, to pencils and miniature toys.

Then I started developing a love for making bead bracelets. Just the simple seed beads that you put on a string.

I don't actually remember when I started buying bigger and prettier beads or when I started taking on more complicated projects.

Now when I look at my collection, I feel quite proud. I've developed this hobby into something that gives me great pleasure and I've actually managed to sell quite a few of my items.

And I've actually managed to collect a wide variety of shapes colours and sizes. It is amazing how many different types you get.

I think my biggest dream would be to walk into one of the big beadshops or manufacturers and have a budget of say a R2 000.00 and just be able to buy as many beads as I can without having to worry about how much it's going to cost me.

And looking at the jewellery I make, I think I have my own unique style. My boss's houseworker came into the shop this week and saw a few of my jewellery pieces that I was busy making and I could tell she truly appreciated my work.

She described it as a talent and a gift and she said that I could actually teach other people how to do this and I could make a lot of money in doing so.

I gave her one of my necklaces and she was over the moon.

The big smile and friendly hug from her was such a rewarding feeling. And it felt good to make someone elses day by such a small gesture.

But the thing is, while this is a hobby and I do it for relaxation, it is still fun and enjoyable. The moment something becomes work or just another job, it's not that fun anymore.

But I do like it when people appreciate my "pieces" and buy it. A bit of extra money on the side is always welcome.

I wish I had the confidence to approach gift shops to find out if they would be interested in selling my stuff.

But somehow I'm always scared of being shot down or that they might not like my stuff at all. To me they are all special. Because they are all handmade with love by myself.

I will be sending some of my stuff to my fiancée's mom. She has a stall at the local market. I guess I will find out soon enough whether it will be flying of the shelf or not.

Well, this is all I have for today.

May all of you find your special hobby which will inspire you to write about it!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Aliens or not?

What a weird first topic for my blog. But this is something I've been wondering about. It's not really something that you can discuss with just anyone. They might just think that Ihave a few screws lose. (Well I have ... but they don't have to know it :-P ).

Anyway, how do we know? There is so much phenomena surrounding this topic that it makes you wonder. Maybe there is something out there.

Now that I think about it. When and where did it actually start? Did someone really see something strange one night that they couldn't explain or get abducted and started asking questions? And suddenly more and more people came forward? Or was it just their overactive imaginations? "All in the mind" as the experession say? Or did they really see something and this is all part of a government cover-up (eg: area 51).

And Roswell. There are so many stories and photographs about this place.

And of course the crop circles. How on earth did that happen?

I am really not a expert on the subject or did not gather enough research about this. I'm just the normal person on the street, hearing and seeing all the movies and reality programs and wondering if there is in fact another lifeform/s out there.

What does this all mean and what is our purpose in all this? Will we ever know? Or will this remain a mystery for decades to come?